Friends of Willow Creek will be hosting the fourth annual Earth Day Willow Creek Community Cleanup and Native Plant Restoration on Saturday, April 26th, from 9:00 am to 12:30pm. Each year, Friends of the Creek volunteers invite community members and families to join this annual event dedicated to clearing invasives and planting natives.
Willow Creek is part of a growing network of restoration efforts in Marin County led by volunteers dedicated to restoring and enhancing our natural resources and raising …
Archive for month: March 2014
Did you know that throughout this historic drought in California, the lowest rainfall in recorded history (about 150 years), our neighborhood Willow Creek has continued to flow year round?
Q: How can this little creek flow year-round, when there was almost no rain between January 2013 and February 2014? Where does this water come from?
A: The water in Willow Creek comes from condensation of the marine fog layer on the crest of the ridge above Sausalito. The dew collects …
Celebrate our 4th Annual Earth Day cleanup and planting!
Please save the date to celebrate our 4th Annual Earth Day cleanup and planting!
When: Saturday April 26, 9am to 12:30pm
Where: Willow Grove at Nevada and Bridgeway, Sausalito
How: Work with neighbors and naturalists to identify and remove nonnative blackberry, fennel, ivy, hemlock, and broom plants that crowd out natives and open space by the creek. Also plant some native plants from our school’s hoop house that were donated by Marin Headlands Native Plant Nursery.
Why: To create outdoor …