Friends of Willow Creek, in Sausalito, is celebrating 13 years of stewardship and advocacy for “creek daylighting”, which is the conversion of buried pipes that convey former streams to above-ground, vegetated channels. Daylighting creeks is a complex, expensive and uncommon undertaking, as the Friends have learned, and requires patient planning, outreach, and partnership-building over a sustained period of time. One of the reasons creeks were buried in Sausalito and mostly forgotten was to make room for buildings, streets and yards, …
Archive for category: News & Updates

Week of the Creek
In the span of nine days in 2023, a buried perennial creek in Sausalito went from being twice forgotten to having a fighting chance to be reborn into the community.
Of the six creeks in the City that have been buried, Willow Creek is the one creek that could be restored from its headwaters to the Bay. Voters passed Measure P in 2020, authorizing a general obligation bond of $41 Million for school reconstruction by the Sausalito Marin City School …
Friends of Willow Creek Celebrates a Decade of Stewardship and Advocacy
This year Friends of Willow Creek celebrated our 10-year anniversary as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to environmental education and creek resources of Sausalito.
For those of you that toiled for hours pulling out weeds and planting native plants at the creek and on the campus, we have good news to share. Through partnerships with the City and the School District, we are gaining support and making progress in having Willow Creek restored above ground on the campus at 636 …
Measure P Passes with Potential Funding for Creek Restoration
FoWC donated time and money in 2020 to the “Yes on Measure P” campaign to issue bonds for Sausalito and Marin City school campus renovations, including creek restoration. Leading up to the vote, FoWC board members joined Measure P organizers and community members placing calls to residents and urging a “Yes” vote. Measure P passed with the highest percentage of “Yes” votes of any school bond measure in California in 2020 at 73% of the vote. These bonds funds are …
Friends of Willow Creek Celebrates 6th Anniversary
March 31st, 2017 Marks the Sixth Anniversary of Friends of the Creek
Today marks our 6th anniversary as a 501c3 nonprofit, as we were established on March 31, 2011, in anticipation of Earth Day that year when we cleared the Nevada and Bridgeway Willow Grove site for the first time. Since then, we’ve not looked back, taking advantage of the great opportunity we have to create stewardship of this Creek by the Willow Creek Academy public school and the …
Happy New Year!
Happy new year! The Friends Of The Creek are keeping busy advancing the prospect of daylighting the creek through Sausalito, but also building partnerships around stewardship in the watershed, and supporting the teachers of the local public school in environmental, experiential education. Recent success in the City to protect the Lincoln-Butte open space next to Willow Creek’s neighboring creek to the north, spearheaded by the local group Open Space Sausalito, bodes well for our goals of restoring creeks, beyond just …
Friends of the Creek – September 2014 Newsletter
Friends of Willow Creek (of Sausalito),
Happy new (school) year! For the friends, that means fall work parties to take care of the creek at Willow Grove!
Fall Community Cleanup Events at Willow Grove, Corner of Nevada St. and Bridgeway
Saturday September 27, 9:00 – 11:00 A.M., end of summer weeding and watering of recently cleared/planted areas, tour of site for new parents at Willow Creek Academy before Parent Council Barbecue & Book Fair up on campus. At Earth Day …
Summer News & Updates
We hope you are having a great summer!
Board Meeting, Sunday August 17, 4pm
The board of the nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, Friends of Willow Creek, will be meeting Creekside at Nevada and Bridgeway (Willow Grove) at 4:00 pm on Sunday August 17, in case you would like to come by and talk about the creek activities and the ambitious plan to daylight the creek all the way through town to the Bay, and of course meet your friendly board members …
Celebrate our 4th Annual Earth Day cleanup and planting!
Please save the date to celebrate our 4th Annual Earth Day cleanup and planting!
When: Saturday April 26, 9am to 12:30pm
Where: Willow Grove at Nevada and Bridgeway, Sausalito
How: Work with neighbors and naturalists to identify and remove nonnative blackberry, fennel, ivy, hemlock, and broom plants that crowd out natives and open space by the creek. Also plant some native plants from our school’s hoop house that were donated by Marin Headlands Native Plant Nursery.
Why: To create outdoor …
Happy New Year!
Thanks to all of you who joined us in Sept and Oct to clean up the creek area and plant some gorgeous native plants. The place looks great (and ready for some more rain!). On Nov. 20 we had a decent storm and I attached 2 pictures of the creek at the “Willow Grove” for your enjoyment.
We wanted to remind you about community native planting and cleanup work scheduled for the coming year. Mark your calendars and join us …
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